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Taste of Italy Calgary Activities & Contests

We have tons of contests and activities that take place throughout the day. 


Taste of Italy Calgary offers various programs and events that bring the celebration to life! These are sure to provide an authentic Italian experience through food, entertainment, and fun activities like contests and games. Join us for our third year of this wonderful festival in Calgary.

Pizza Making

Are you an awesome pizza maker? Go head-to-head with your competitors to see who can make the best pizza dough. You can stretch it on the table or even toss it up in the air!


Grape Stomping

Grab a partner and try grape stomping. How quickly could you start to make wine with your significant other or best friend?

Pasta Eating

Pasta eating is a favorite cultural activity for Italians. Why not speed things up and see who is the fastest pasta eater of them all?

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Kids Activities

Exciting additions await you at this year's festival. We're introducing glitter tattoos and a craft area that are sure to delight and engage our young festival-goers.


A big shout-out to our newest food vendor, The Dogfather, for sponsoring our glitter tattoo tent!​ Also don't miss the fun pasta craft tent sponsored by the Calgary Italian Cultural Centre. Kids can and join us to create their own masterpieces!


The Bridgeland Riverside Community Centre has unveiled a new playground and games area. The kids are sure to have a blast!


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Contact Us to Volunteer for Kids' Activities

We are looking for youth volunteers for our glitter tattoo and pasta craft tents. Get in touch today!

Thanks for submitting!

Sponsorship Opportunities

The Italian Festival is only made possible by generous sponsors and volunteers. If you would like to support our festival please contact us today!

Volunteer Opportunities

Join our team of volunteers and help us promote Italian culture and heritage in Calgary. We offer a range of volunteer opportunities, including event planning, fundraising, and community outreach.

Showcase Italian Achievements

Does your local business have fine Italian or vintage Italian products? We are looking for autos and other remarkable objects to add intrigue to our presentations.

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